Wednesday 8 September 2010

The Usual suspects

The usual suspects trailer
  • Voice over tells the story
  • The first sentence gives away the narrative of the film "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist.
  • The first two shots fade into one another
  • The first shot shows fire, reflecting the danger that the audience will expect to see in the film. The fire is also started by a cigarette, and the audience will have assumptions that it was a man smoking the cigarette, and cigarettes are often linked to gangsters, therefore setting the genre of the film. This shot is repeated at the end for emphasis
  • The second shot we are produced with is of some criminals in a line up and the audience now know who the main characters are.
  •  Throughout the trailer there are frequent shots of violence and death, the audience then assume that the characters they were introduced to at the beginning of the trailer are responsible for these crimes.
  • The audience is also introduced to an officer, we know this by him costume and the voice over.
  • The audience is aware that the police are trying to find  the suspects from the begging and there is a sense of a race against time between the suspects and the police.
  • It is also made clear that both the police and the suspects are looking for the same man who is thought to be very dangerous
  • Prominent colours are red and blue
  • Camera angles are mainly mid-shots and close-ups
  • The lighting throughout the trailer is fairly low key.
  • Theatrical trailer-gives away most of the plot but not the twist.
  • Slow editing at the beginning, speeds near the middle, slows and speeds towards the end.
  • Sound bridges - vocal

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