Saturday 9 October 2010

Monarchy - The phoenix alive

This music video is by the same band as before but the beginning of the video (first min) is very inspirational. There are many close-up shots which don't reveal too much about what the person in the video looks like. These types of shots would be very useful for our trailer as we can use them when showing shots of the villain, so as not to give too much away about who the villain may be.

Monarchy - Love get out of my way

This is a music video that we felt in various parts was inspirational for lighting techniques. Specifically the beginning the just the one figure under the spotlight and then the other four figures appear. This could look quite effective in our film trailer. The end shot is effective too as the light fades and the figures fade into the background.

Thursday 7 October 2010

 We are beginning to look at typography and background research for our poster. The following photographs are examples of typography that we could expand on and use ourselves.
This cat picture is made up of letters. The piece is too intricate in detail to use whole words, which would create confusion.
This food one shows how we could create letters out of objects and items. The limitations would be that detail is lost as the main idea is to create a visual impact.

 This paper one is an idea we could easily use. The scrunched up paper idea would work well with our specific genre and draws the reader in as you have to look closesly to make out what the words say.
 This one, though maybe not suitable for our genre, demontrates how the typography instantly shows off the genre of the film. the style and font of the text links in with the word itself to give the audience idea about what to expect.
This one shows how typography links in with the poster and surroundings. Without the people in the picture a cery different feel would be given.