Thursday, 16 September 2010

Taxi Driver

  • The main colours used in this film poster are blue white and black. These are colours that people may find in a newspaper, this can give the impression that the film may be factual. The colour blue is a calming colour and is often used to make time pass more slowly, this is also reflected by the image of the man in the poster as he is walking, and although it is a still image the audience can imagine that this specific part in the film could be in slow motion. It also looks like the man is walking quite slow as his hands are in his pockets, this makes him look more relaxed.
Black and white are colours that harmonize well with any colour, therefore the blue is made a more prominent colour in this poster.
White is often used as a neutral background colour, and reflects innocence and cleanliness, perhaps reflecting the man's character.
  • The main figure in the poster is a man so the audience know he is the main character. He is represented in the form of a photograph suggesting the image could be a till from the film. The background is of a city, believed to be in America, so the audience know the setting of the film.
  • The messages in the poster are visual, the audience can guess from the poster through the use of colour and costuming of the main character (his leather jacket and jeans) that this film has features of crime in it.
  • The intended audience for this poster are adults and young people, the poster tells you about the actors in the film (Jodie Foster, Robert De Niro) therefore there are going to be characters men and women can enjoy watching. The target audience can also be anyone who is a fan of the director Martin Scorsese, as in a small typeface at the bottom of the poster the audience can see this film was directed by him.
  • One of the persuasive techniques used in this poster is the typeface that tells you some of the famous actors in the film and the director. The fact that the directors name is at the bottom means that if the audience have seen one of Scorsese's films before such as The Departed or Goodfellas, they will have expectations of what the film is going to be like so they will want to know if the film meets or subverts their expectations.
  • Genre codes and conventions are referred to in this poster by the use of a photograph used as the poster and the fact that the photograph is in black and white. This is a code and convention of the thriller genre.

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