Saturday, 4 September 2010

Child Abduction

A little bit or research into child abduction that can help make our plot line more realistic and believable.

  • Women only tend to kidnap small children or babies, and this is usually because they cannot have a child of their own or have had a miscarriage, and psychologically they believe that kidnap is the best option for them, not adoption.
  • Children can be abducted for ransom or extortion, however this is less common in England that other countries
  • Abduction by a stranger (stranger-danger) is the most feared type of abduction however it is the least  common.
  • The most common type of child abduction is parental, where the parents of a child may be separated or getting divorced and one parent takes the child away from the other parent without legal permission. This is becoming more common and parents rather than keeping their child in the country where their other parent is, are taking children abroad, making it harder for them to see their other parent.
Results of abduction cases 2002-2003 from home office

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