Tuesday 20 July 2010

Cry Silent Tears

*This is a true story about a young boy who was abused but his mother.

*His father was the only person he could rely on to help him.

*At the age of 5 Joe's father took him to work so he would be away from his mother. Joe's father went into work to speak to someone briefly and left Joe in the car. There was an explosion and Joe saw his father  running around on fire; Joe watched his father burn to death. After watching this ordeal, Joe was then struck dumb.

*He was left to live with his mother and brother who raped and abused him.

*Joe was locked in a cellar and forced to lick scraps of food from the floor. This happened for most of Joe's childhood, but his mother invited other people to rape her son, such as Joe's step dad.

* At the age of 14 Joe finally managed to get away and lived in a hideaway near a railway line, where he met other run aways who he spent most of his time with.

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